Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Submit your Entitlement paper to Turnitin.com

All, please make sure that you submit your entitlements papers to turnitin.com. Also, please make sure that you are under the 10% threshold!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Entitlement Programs research

Entitlement Programs

Today and tomorrow (Tuesday) we will be in the Library researching entitlement programs. Click here to access the assignment. We will be discussing this assignment on Wednesday. Thursday we will have a Chapter 12 & 14 review. Friday you will have a Unit exam on Chaps. 12 & 14. Study Guide and Current events #2 (10) will also be due.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Fair tax assignment for Chapter 14.

Today we will be in the library researching the Fair Tax as an alternative to the federal income tax. The assignment can be found at the following link, click here.If you don't finish in the library, your completed research is due Monday.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Today's Library assignment Feb 5th 2014

4th period- (A.P. Government and Politics) Today the students will head to the library. Please take roll and give the instructions in class before they head down but please be prompt so they don’t waste time. Please tell them this is the order I’d like for them to complete.
  1. Please tell students that they need to login to the online text resource and take the chapter 12 pretest. (I’m using the information from Chapter pretests, so it is very important that they do this!)
  2. Work on your constitution worksheet that is due tomorrow.
  3. Anytime that you have left over please work on current events.
  4. Also, they may go on and vote for the KATU $10,000 donation competition.